Welcome to Stained Glass Roots, the website for Seugenhof Shorthairs & Stained Glass.

Some of you have known me for almost 30 years, while some of you have discovered my site by chance.  Welcome to all!

I hope you will be awed by the beauty of my stained glass creations and can appreciate the beauty of preserving a favorite moment or the image of a best 4 legged friend in stained glass.

Seugenhof – What a funny word!

How do you say that?     Soy – gen – hof
Soy – like the bean
gen – sounds like hen but with a hard “g”.
hof – ho, ho – hof              Seugenhof!

I knew this would be trouble, but I never tire of explaining it.  I had to use this as my business and kennel name as a tribute to my Father who was born in Seugenhof, Germany (Bavaria) in 1911.  Germany was a 12th century mecca for stained glass artisans.  Working in stained glass runs in my blood from my ancient ancestors.

Stained Glass Dog

My father came to America in 1927.  I came to be his youngest child in 1953.  Some of my earliest memories are from going to field trials with my dad.  We had Chesepeake Bay Retrievers and German Wirehaired Pointers.  He taught me to love and respect all animals as well as dogs.

I started showing my own dogs in 1978 and when I started making stained glass in 1987 I was motivated to make images of German Shorthaired Pointers because I could never find any affordable GSP artwork to buy from the vendors.

I have been fortunate to have designed and created trophies for clubs from the east coast, Long Island, to the west coast, Oregon, and many places in between.  I’ve done toy breeds, working breeds, herding breeds and hound breeds.  I’ve done horses and birds, flowers and lizards.  They are all equally beautiful in stained glass.

I make a few other things:  Dog tug toys, Whistle lanyards and Leashes

The tug toys are great as placement trophies.  A real trophy for the dog!